Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Public Finance Legal SpecialistSPECIALIST

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The World Bank Group (WBG) is seeking an individual consultant over the period of early April 2018 to December 2018 as part of its engagement with the Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) to prepare a Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessment.

Timor-Leste legal and regulatory framework is a product of various institutional regimes, including Portuguese, Indonesian and UN administration prior to independence. In recent years, successive governments have undertaken the task to standardize, harmonize and develop further the legal and regulatory framework, while continuing to develop Timor-Leste's public institutions and Governance structure.

The Government is transitioning from a district structure to a system of decentralize municipalities with the establishment of decentralized services at municipal level, which resulted managerial autonomy. In addition, a 13th district ­ Oecusse, has been elevated to a special region given administrative, financial Sand patrimonial autonomy, legal personality and its own bodies.

The number of autonomous public agencies has also increased substantially in recent years, reflecting government's desire to grant greater financial independence to institutions in order to improve their efficiency. Most public-sector entities have been established under separate legislation and are meant to operate under a different, set of financial-rules to those of central government. Since 2016, the Government has begun to provide them with more financial or managerial autonomy.

PFM functions in Timor-Leste are therefore spread over a wide array of public entities at various levels of government, under different regulatory and supervisory regimes. The purpose of this assignment is to support the identification, consultation and appropriate integration of Timorese legal and regulatory instruments into the PEFA assessment, in close collaboration with the rest of the PEFA assessment team and in consultation with the authorities.

This position is for a short-term consultant who is expected to be based in Timor-Leste, although applications will be considered by strong candidates who are based elsewhere. The contract is for a period of up to 40 working days.

The consultant will report to the World Bank Task Team Leader and the Lead PEFA Consultant, and will work closely with other members of the PEFA assessment team.


The PEFA Framework provides an evidence-based tool to measure PFM performance, including fiscal strategy, public investment management, public assets management, revenue forecast beyond taxation, information on performance of service delivery, internal and external control
system, personnel and payroll, public procurement, and reporting of high quality consolidated financial statements that are in need of continued reform to further enhance the effectiveness of the country PFM systems.

This diagnostic has been requested by the Government of Timor-Leste and will be conducted as a Joint Assessment. It will be the first PEFA assessment since 2013 and the first to be conducted in accordance with the updated, 2016 PEFA framework. The PEFA is expected to serve as an input into a dialogue around a coordinated, government-led PFM reform plan, as well as inform existing programmatic activities, including the EU's PFM-focused budget support program.

The PEFA is supported by the European Union, the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the World Bank Group.

Scope of work

The consultant will be fully integrated in the assessment team and support the Lead Assessor to:

a) Through consultations and desk review identify relevant legislation and official public documents and collect relevant information related to the application of the PEFA Framework, particularly relating to Constitution, National Parliament and Government laws, decree laws and resolutions or from any committees thereof, and outputs of the judiciary, such as the Supreme Court of Audit;

b)   Identify changes in legislation and regulations from the previous PEFA (2013), as well as planned changes (including on-going reforms) which have impacted or might impact PEFA performance indicators.

c)    Review, interpret and provide analysis of laws and regulations and their application in order to support relevant aspects-of the PEFA assessment;

d)   Facilitate and/or lead consultations with the authorities relating to the PEFA assessment, particularly in relation to the application and interpretation of laws and regulations;

e)    Provide written inputs as requested by the lead PEFA assessor into the PEFA report and other outputs required to complete the PEFA assessment exercise;

f)     Maintain a record of documentation of sources used as part of the assignment.


·      Launch mission: Participate as a core team member in the launch workshop, consultations and associated activities. (6 days, early April 2018)

·      Further assessment activity and preparation of an interim PEFA assessment report: Carry out further in-country follow-up, liaising with all team members to complete collection of information and preparation of a PEFA assessment report. With other team members, ensure an interim report is prepared, based on all available evidence, no later than end June 2018 (15 days, mid-April to July 2018)

·      Preparation of full report and presentation to the relevant stakeholders: Further analysis and report-writing to prepare a complete report with other team members including assessment of all 2016 PEFA indicators, a summary assessment of indicators under the previous PEFA methodology for backwards compatibility and all other components of a recommendation PEFA assessment report. Presentation of the report in country to Government and other stakeholders, with the aim of securing consensus on the assessment results. This will include participation as a core team member in further mission(s) focusing on in-country consultations (15 days, August and early September, 2018). 

Finalization of the PEFA assessment report based on quality assurance process: Follow up to government internal validation processes, responses to comments and questions and amendments to the PEFA report with the aim of completing the World Bank and PEFA Secretariat quality assurance processes (4 days).

Selection Criteria

  • At least undergraduate degree or equivalent in a subject relating to public finance, accounting or law.
  • At least Masters degree or equivalent in a subject relating to public finance, accounting or law is desirable.
  •  At least 10 years of relevant work experience, with direct experience in public finance law and regulation highly desirable.
  • Fluency in written Portuguese is essential.
  • Fluency in Tetum is desirable.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work as part of a diverse team.

Application instructions

Applicants should note that this is a locally based position with no additional benefits. Interested candidates, should send-their applications to Ms. Maria E. Belo Leite ( mleite@worldbank.org ), including a brief response to the selection criteria, and a current CV.

The closing date for applications is 23 March 2018.

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